Date : 10/15/2024 - 10/15/2024

Some persons are likely to suffer from some stomach-related problems. However, don’t take any unnecessary tension and avoid junk food to get immediate relief. You are likely to take the support of family members to relieve from your tension. Keep in mind that one must not bottle up feelings and pressure within. Sharing your problems frequently would help you. You are likely to get some financial disappointments as cheques get dishonoured resulting in losing an important contract. You need to check all the details before issuing cheques. An important contract could be safeguarded by double surety. This would doubly benefit you. Some friends might try to mislead by giving false information. Be careful against those secret enemies. But don’t allow self to be taken for granted. Therefore any information needs to be reconfirmed to make sure you are not being taken for a ride.

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