Date : 01-01-2024 - 31-12-2024

Virgo persons should be happy as there will be expansion in family. New business will at process. Professionally you will get great rise. Marriageable age persons will get their soul mates. There will be happy marriage. Long awaited problems will be sorted out. Unexpected problems in property matters occur. You have to be cautious for court cases and professional matters. First half will not be good for you in these concerns. Second half will be good and more prosperous. Blocked money will be cleared and returned. You should be optimistic. You are getting divine support. You will buy new property or do expansion in property. You will buy new vehicles. Tours and travel will be there but you have to be careful with your lockers. Robbery or theft is indicating. There might be health problems for close family or unnecessary issues in family life. Your luck will remain strong enough to bail you out of situations that come up this year. There will be new opportunities in work, your stature would rise, a promotion is in the offing and the scope of your work will expand and so would the pressures. You should work as hard as possible and not think about returns. All growth & new areas that open up now, will bring exceptional gains. For love affairs this is good year. For students this is good year too. You will get good and new higher levels of achievements.  Persons attached to share market, they should be alert. You will be religiously inclined during this year. You will be able to meet many new people. You will find strength in what you do and be able to take a stand.

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